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GLNG pipeline system


Key components of the GLNG pipeline system are: 


  • The GLNG Project Gas Transmission Pipeline (PPL 166, 167, 168) (“GTP”); 

  • The Comet Ridge to Wallumbilla Pipeline (PPL 118) (“CRWP”);

  • The Comet Ride to Wallumbilla Loop (PPL 118) (“CRWP Loop”); 

  • The Pipeline Compressor Station (“PCS”) and the Wallumbilla Compressor Station (“WCS”); and

  • Other infrastructure that is associated with these main pipelines including lateral pipelines connecting the main pipelines to the CSG field compression hubs and interconnect facilities. 

GLNG gas pipeline network

The GLNG gas pipeline network consists of the Gas Transmission Pipeline (GTP), the Comet Ridge to Wallumbilla Pipeline (CRWP) and its parallel looping pipeline (CRWP Loop), a series of lateral pipelines linking the CSG processing and compression hubs to the GLNG gas pipeline network.    


The GTP is a 420 kilometre, 42 inch transmission pipeline, which connects GLNG's gas fields in the Surat and Bowen Basins, Queensland, to the LNG facility at Curtis Island. Construction of the GTP commenced in 2012 and completed in 2014. First gas was introduced into the GTP in October 2014. 


Connecting to the GTP is the 127 kilometre CRWP, a 16 inch pipeline commissioned in 2007, which delivers gas to the GTP from gas fields in Roma, Queensland, and connects to the Wallumbilla Hub — a gateway to the East Coast gas market. The CRWP has a design capacity of 200 TJ/d. Looping of the CRWP was completed in early 2015. The CRWP Loop is a 119 kilometre, 24 inch pipeline with a design capacity of 750 TJ/d.



Location of GTP 

location map

Source: Company filings


The GLNG gas pipeline network transports gas to the LNG facility on Curtis Island from where it is liquefied and exported.  Before any feed gas enters any one of the transport pipelines, the gas is dehydrated and compressed.

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